The Golden Egg by Donna Leon

Review done by Karen Brits for BluJeans Books

The Golden Egg (Commissario Brunetti, #22) by Donna Leon | Goodreads

The Golden Egg by Donna Leon

The twenty-second instalment of the internationally acclaimed, bestselling Commissario Brunetti series. 

It is always a pleasure to read a new Donna Leon book. Her themes are varied and interesting, with the city of Venice almost a character in every story.

The story behind the accidental death of Davide Cavanella unfolds with frightening slowness, for this man-child was not registered as a person and was an unofficial nobody. It is only Guido Brunetti’s persistence and acute human knowledge that brings a sweet revenge where it is due.

A gripping story of a mother that is less than loving, neighbours that did not want to get involved and a small light of genius that Davide left behind.