Gert & Joey: Nuwe lig op ‘n raaisel van dertig jaar
Vir Suid-Afrikaners het hierdie begrippe sinoniem geword met die name van Gert van Rooyen en Joey Haarhoff. In die dertig jaar sedert die tragiese verdwyning van ses jong skoolmeisies en die dramatiese skietdood van die land se berugste egpaar, hang onbeant- woorde vrae steeds in die lug. Die makabere raaisels wat hulle agtergelaat het, het nie saam met hulle gesterf nie. Joernalis Pieter van Zyl gee in hierdie boek, waarvoor hy eksklusiewe toegang tot Huisgenoot se uitgebreide argief gehad het, ’n volledige oorsig oor dié voortslepende sage. Rolspelers wat direk by die saak betrokke is en was, se insigte en ervarings word betrek om opnuut sin van die tragedie te probeer maak. Naasbestaandes van die meisies wat verdwyn het, asook dié van Van Rooyen en Haarhoff, is deur die skrywer genader. Kenners, waaronder sielkundiges, kriminoloë, baasspeurders, handskrifontleders en selfs sieners, verskaf ’n sonderlinge blik op die gebeure wat by Suid-Afrikaners blý spook. Die tragedie verkry ’n nuwe dimensie wanneer dit beskou word teen die agtergrond van Suid-Afrika drie dekades gelede. Dit blyk ook dat Van Rooyen en Haarhoff nie in isolasie kon optree nie, maar waarskynlik deel was van ’n uitgebreide misdaadnetwerk. Hiertoe boek sal niemand koud laat nie.
Wat ek gedink het van die boek:
Nou ja. Meeste van Suid Afrikaners ken vir Oom Gert van Rooyen. Hy en Joey was snags gelykstaande aan die Boogyman as jy nie wou gaan slaap nie. Bedags was hulle die mense vir wie jy moes uitkyk. Die ‘vreemde’ mense met wie jy nie mag praat in die openbaar nie. Daar is nie regtig veel mense wat die details onthou van die saak nie. Die wat onthou was wat hulle ouers vir hulle vertel het of iemand wat hulle ken. In hierdie boek word baie van daardie detail wat verlore gegaan het in oorvertellings, verhaal. Dan kom ‘n mens agter wat werklik gebeur het en hoekom jy as kind gewaarsku was teen die mense en mense soos die.
Sodra jy die boek klaar gelees het, skryf jy vir jou ouers ‘n dankie se briefie omdat hulle jou gewaarsku het teen die mense en veilig gehou het bo op dit alles. Die boek laat regtig niemand onaangeraak nie.
Twee sterre vir die die boek. Resensie deur Wanda Hartzenberg
My vrou se resensie.
Liefde agter tralies-Carla van der Spuy
Titel: Liefde agter tralies Skrywer: Carla van der Spuy Uitgewer: Tafelberg (NB-Uitgewers) ISBN: 9780624087007
Julle, ek wou baie graag van die boek gehou het. Hoekom sou ek nie?
Dit is Suid-Afrikaners se stories deur ‘n Suid-Afrikaner geskryf.
Ware misdaad op die koop toe. Iets wat my altyd laat regop sit en aandag gee.
Maar nee.
Die boek, veral die laaste derde van die boek is deurspek met taal, spel, tik, drukkersfoute en selfs die engelse spelling van woorde elke dan en wan. Die taalversorging is power.
Die deel wat werklik my aandag getrek en gehou het is die begin met die navorsing en dies meer. Daarvoor alleen kry die boek twee en nie een ster nie.
Die persone met wie onderhoude gevoer is, is ook besonder goed gekies. Maar die onderhoude self laat veel te wense. Ek verstaan die skrywer wou die menslikheid van individue agter tralies na vore laat kom maar die behandeling van die misdade en dies meer het my apaties gelos. Daar was net nie genoeg vleis aan om aan te kou nie. So ek kon nie simpatiseer of empatie verwek nie.
Die omslag is baie treffend. Dit verdien melding. Dit was deels hoekom ek die boek begin lees het. Jip julle, ek is so oppervlakkig. Die inhoud, wel nee. Ek sal dit nie aanbeveel nie.
True Crime Tuesday; The Unsolved Mystery of Hildegarde Stadler: Switzerland's Notorious Kidnapping and Murder Case
Title: The Unsolved Mystery of Hildegarde Stadler: Switzerland’s Notorious Kidnapping and Murder Case
Meta Description: Explore the chilling true crime incident of Hildegarde Stadler, a wealthy Swiss woman who was kidnapped from her home in Lucerne. Despite the payment of ransom, her life was tragically cut short. Delve into the details of this unsolved case that continues to captivate Switzerland, and discover captivating true crime books at Blue Jeans Books.
Introduction: In the annals of true crime, there are cases that grip the public’s imagination with their sheer mystery and brutality. The murder of Hildegarde Stadler in 1990 is one such case. This wealthy Swiss woman’s abduction from her home in Lucerne and subsequent tragic demise shocked the nation and left investigators puzzled. To this day, the case remains unsolved, making it one of Switzerland’s most notorious crimes. Join us as we delve into the details of this chilling incident and explore the impact it had on the nation. As true crime enthusiasts, be sure to check out Blue Jeans Books, where you can discover a vast collection of gripping true crime stories, though currently no specific books on Swiss crimes.
Section 1: The Abduction and Demands Hildegarde Stadler, a prominent and affluent woman, was snatched from the safety of her own home, sending shockwaves through the tranquil city of Lucerne. The kidnappers swiftly issued a ransom demand, hoping to capitalize on her family’s wealth. Despite the payment made by her loved ones, tragically, Stadler’s life was brutally cut short, leaving her family devastated and the nation in disbelief. Explore the details of the kidnapping and the desperate attempts to secure her safe release.
Section 2: A Nation Gripped by Fear and Intrigue The murder of Hildegarde Stadler shook Switzerland to its core. The tranquil image of the country was shattered as news of the crime spread. People began questioning their safety and the integrity of their communities. The case ignited public interest, with media outlets extensively covering the investigation and the subsequent trials. Uncover the atmosphere of fear and intrigue that enveloped Switzerland during this period.
Section 3: The Investigation and Unsolved Status Despite extensive efforts by law enforcement agencies, the case of Hildegarde Stadler remains unsolved. Investigators faced numerous challenges, from identifying the perpetrators to unraveling the motive behind the crime. Years of investigation yielded little progress, leaving the nation perplexed and the family seeking closure. Reflect on the impact of an unsolved case and its lasting effects on the community.
Conclusion: Remembering Hildegarde Stadler and Seeking Justice The murder of Hildegarde Stadler continues to haunt Switzerland, reminding us of the unresolved mysteries that linger in the shadows. As we remember her tragic fate, we are reminded of the importance of seeking justice and closure for victims and their families. True crime books provide a window into such enigmatic cases, offering readers a chance to explore the depths of human psychology and the pursuit of truth. While Blue Jeans Books may not have specific true crime books regarding Swiss crimes at the moment, their vast collection is bound to satisfy the appetite of any true crime enthusiast.
Johann Nel, die Skierlik-moordenaar, gevonnis tot 168 jaar gevangenisstraf, vind liefde. Die jong vrou trou met hom, teen alle raad… Dít is ver van die enigste geval van so ‘n verhouding. Van diewe tot geweldsmisdadigers – selfs moordenaars – vind liefde agter tralies. Sulke mense word dikwels as monsters beskou, maar vir diegene wat op hulle verlief raak is hulle “die liefde van hul lewe”, of word hulle soos familie word vir mekaar. Die bekende misdaadskrywer Carla van der Spuy gesels met mense wat hierdie onwaarskynlike soort liefde self ervaar het. Daar is die bruid in boeie, tot sewe jaar gevonnis vir moord; die swendelaar wat sy lewe omgekeer het met die steun van sy nuwe liefde; mense in die tronk wat verstom is om liefde te vind op onverwagte plekke. Sy gaan klop ook aan by kenners en kyk na wat sulke verhoudings agter tralies dryf.
Wat het ek gedink van die boek:
Ek het dit boek gelees en dit geniet. Dit was n goeie seleksie van stories van die vreemdste mense. Die begin was vir my meer boeiend as die einde moet ek byse. Dit wil voel asof Carla aan die einde speod verloor het met die boek en dit meer net wou klaar kry. Dit mag dalk nie so wees nie, dis net my opinie. Die begin was vir my fassinerend oor hoekom mense val vir die spreekwoordelike ‘bad boys’ in die tronk. Dalk is hulle almal mal oor die oranje oorpak? Wie sal weet. Ek is bly daar is mense wat wel geluk gevind het na tralies en mag hul gelukkig wees vir ewig en n dag saam.
Die boek is nie jou gewone ‘true crime’ boek nie. Dit is een met ‘n gelukkige einde en soms net simpel mense.
Elk geval, as jy nie te vinde is vir die harde true crime nie, sal ek die boek voorstel om te lee.
Met die navorsing en moeite wat Carla ingesit het in die stories en mense, verdien sy n 4 ster.
Mom has no one like David around to beat on anymore. I am more afraid of her than ever…I get in more trouble for anything I do or say. Now I find that I’m always in trouble and I don’t know why. Now that David is gone, I’m afraid that she will try to kill me, like she tried to kill him. I’m afraid that she will treat me like an animal like she did him. I’m afraid that now I’m her IT. The Pelzer family’s secret life of fear and abuse was first revealed in Dave Pelzer’s inspiring New York Times bestseller, A Child Called “It,” followed by The Lost Child and A Man Called Dave. Here, for the first time, Richard Pelzer tells the courageous and moving story of his abusive childhood. From tormenting his brother David to becoming himself the focus of his mother’s wrath to his ultimate liberation-here is a horrifying glimpse at what existed behind closed doors in the Pelzer home. Equally important, Richard Pelzer’s touching account is a testament to the strength of the human heart and its capacity to triumph over almost unimaginable trauma.
What I thought about the book
I have listened to a child called it, which is Dave Pelzer’s story. In Dave’s story the abuse was very downplayed, I am certain, because of various reasons. Richard, the younger brother, did not downplay the abuse. Although it was not as horrid as Dave’s experience, it was really bad. It took me about a month to read this story, not because I am a slow reader. It’s because of the sheer amount of violence that I had to stomach. People, if you are sensitive to this type of thing, DO NOT read this book. This is not for the fainthearted. I am not even kidding here.
The book was excellently written. It ends with a type of cliffhanger, so you’ll have to read the next book called A Teenagers Journey. So for that I give Richard and the editors a huge star.
As of what happened to Richard, we found a link that tells you what happened to him afterwards. You can click here and read the article:
The Vampire Diaries is a popular young adult book series and television show that has captivated audiences worldwide. The original book series was written by author L.J. Smith, and it was later adapted into a successful television series. In this blog, we’ll take a closer look at the writer and the series that has become a phenomenon.
L.J. Smith: The Writer Behind The Vampire Diaries
L.J. Smith is an American author who was born on September 4, 1965, in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She grew up in California and attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in English. After graduating, Smith worked as a teacher and a desktop publisher before deciding to pursue a career in writing.
Smith’s first novel, The Night of the Solstice, was published in 1987. She continued to write books in various genres, including horror, fantasy, and romance. However, it wasn’t until she began writing The Vampire Diaries that she achieved widespread success.
The Vampire Diaries: The Series
The Vampire Diaries is a supernatural book series that follows the story of a teenage girl named Elena Gilbert. Elena is a high school student who falls in love with a 162-year-old vampire named Stefan Salvatore. However, their relationship is complicated by the presence of Stefan’s brother, Damon, who is also a vampire and is determined to get in the way of Stefan and Elena’s romance.
The book series was first published in 1991 and consisted of four books: The Awakening, The Struggle, The Fury, and Dark Reunion. The books were reissued in 2007 with new cover art and bonus materials, and two more books were added to the series: The Return: Nightfall and The Return: Shadow Souls.
In 2009, The Vampire Diaries was adapted into a television series by the CW network. The show was created by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec and starred Nina Dobrev as Elena, Paul Wesley as Stefan, and Ian Somerhalder as Damon. The show ran for eight seasons from 2009 to 2017 and became a cultural phenomenon.
The Vampire Diaries television show differed from the book series in many ways, including the addition of new characters and storylines. However, the show stayed true to the heart of the original books, which was the love triangle between Elena, Stefan, and Damon.
L.J. Smith’s The Vampire Diaries has become a cultural phenomenon that has captured the hearts of millions of fans around the world. The book series and television show have brought the supernatural world to life in a way that has resonated with audiences of all ages. Whether you’re a fan of the books or the show, there’s no denying that The Vampire Diaries has left a lasting impression on popular culture.
Here’s a link to L.J. Smith’s official website, where you can find more information about her and her books, including The Vampire Diaries series:
Additionally, here’s a link to the official website of The Vampire Diaries television show, where you can find more information about the show, its cast, and crew:
Authored by former Eyewitness News reporter, Liezl Thom, and Forensic Profiler, Laurie Pieters. It is a behind-the-hype account of the human tragedy that began in the affluent suburb of Raslouw, then took a nasty turn on the streets of Sunnyside, eventually ending as the doors of Pretoria Central Prison slammed shut behind “Advocate Barbie”. Careers were destroyed and lives torn apart as the advocate couple played Russian Roulette with the futures of the innocent. Shattered Lives reveals the tragic aftermath of the lover’s destructive relationship and brings to the fore many previously unknown and intimate details of their escapades.
Review done by Hantie Hartzenberg
Barbie, barbie, barbie. What can I say. So many, many things come to mind, but my mother told me not to speak like that.
So this is my thoughts on this book.
Firstly the authors, Liezl and Laurie are brilliant writes. They did a fantastic job at portraying more or less the truth of what happened. I know the truth is always tainted by a person’s experiences, etc. but they really tried and you do get a sense of that in the book. So on that, well done.
Secondly the book is well laid out. Every one that has been a witness to the trail or victims at the hands off, get their story told. Well done on that.
Then we get to the main characters in this book. Cezanne and Dirk.
Oh what a lovely couple do they make.
Now as I understand the whole BDSM game, the master/slave thing it’s about being humiliated privately or publicly for one or other arousal. I thinks that downplaying it, but that is my understand.
So, If you play this little game in your own house, with your own partner within the lines of the law and NO ONE ELSE gets hurt, then it’s fine.
But when you get other people to ‘play’ with you unwillingly, that’s where the issue comes in.
Cezanne, you and Dirk took this little game of yours too far. No use in denying it. No use in pulling up the old “ah save me, because I am battered” excuse if you played just as hard as he did.
If you got the chance again, you would continue this little game. There is nothing quiet like that adrenaline rush, ne.
Let me stop here. This is how far my sanity and the guard in front of my mouth will allow me.
If you get your hands on a copy, read it. Definitely.
The Fascination with True Crime Books: Exploring the Reasons Behind the Obsession
True crime books have captivated readers for decades, with tales of real-life murders, kidnappings, and other crimes filling the shelves of bookstores and libraries around the world. But what is it about these stories that makes them so intriguing? In this article, we’ll explore some of the reasons behind the fascination with true crime books.
Morbid Curiosity
One of the most common reasons people are drawn to true crime books is morbid curiosity. There’s something captivating about reading about the darker side of human behavior and getting a glimpse into the minds of criminals. Even if the crimes are gruesome or unsettling, readers may find themselves unable to look away from the details of the case and the motives behind it.
Insight into the Justice System
True crime books can also offer an inside look at how crimes are investigated and prosecuted, giving readers a better understanding of the criminal justice system. This can be particularly intriguing for those who are interested in law enforcement, forensic science, or the legal system in general. By reading about real-life cases, readers can gain insight into the methods and techniques used by law enforcement and the challenges they face in bringing criminals to justice.
Emotional Engagement
True crime books can be emotionally engaging and even cathartic for some readers. The stories of victims and their families, as well as the psychological profiles of the perpetrators, can evoke strong emotions and allow readers to process their feelings in a safe and controlled environment. Reading about the experiences of others can also create a sense of empathy and understanding, which can be comforting for those who have experienced similar traumas.
Human Psychology
True crime books often delve into the psychological and behavioral aspects of criminal activity, offering insight into why people commit crimes and how they justify their actions. This can be intriguing for readers who are interested in human psychology and the workings of the human mind. By reading about the motives and thought processes of criminals, readers can gain a better understanding of how and why people make the choices they do.
Sense of Justice
Many true crime stories involve victims seeking justice for crimes committed against them or their loved ones. Reading about the investigation and prosecution of these crimes can give readers a sense of justice being served, which can be satisfying and uplifting. This can be particularly important for those who have been victims of crime themselves, as it can provide a sense of closure and validation.
Social Commentary
True crime stories can also serve as social commentary, highlighting issues such as inequality, prejudice, and corruption. By shining a light on these issues, true crime books can inspire readers to think critically about the world around them and take action to effect change. For example, books that explore the disproportionate impact of the criminal justice system on marginalized communities can spur readers to advocate for reform.
In conclusion, the fascination with true crime books is multifaceted and complex. From morbid curiosity to emotional engagement, human psychology, and social commentary, there are many reasons why people are drawn to these stories. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that true crime books will continue to captivate readers for years to come.
As I can gather from other reviews on this book it is in principle only a collection of open source information regarding the Fritzl family and the tragedy brought upon them by the very man that was supposed to protect them.
I found the book interesting and captivating and as disturbing as a true crime book can be. I knew about the story obviously but did not have the time or access at the time to follow it with this much detail to it. I had a quick look around and see that he has been sentenced etc and that Elizabeth is making a new life for herself. For that I am delighted.
How much her new life is normal after this ordeal is however something nobody will ever truly know. I am sorry for her and her six remaining children. They will live with this shadow over them for the rest of their lives. But at the very least they are alive to live as they wish.